Paul Yonggi (David) Cho


Trademark: Cho is a Gnostic whose teachings are focused on Eastern mysticism

The church is in control, not God

"You create the presence of Jesus with your mouth ... He is bound by your lips and by your words ... Remember that Christ is depending upon you and your spoken word to release His presence."

Paul Yonggi (David) Cho (The Fourth Dimension, Vol.1 1979, p. 83)

4th Dimension of non-carnal attainment

"Then God spoke to my heart, 'Son... the spirit is the fourth dimension. ...[as] the third dimension includes and controls the second dimension, so the fourth dimension includes and controls the third dimension, producing a creation of order and beauty."

Paul Yonggi (David) Cho (The Fourth Dimension, p. 38-40)

"There are three spiritual forces in the earth. The Spirit of God, the spirit of man, and the spirit of Satan.... All three spirits are in the realm of the fourth dimension, so naturally spirits can hover over the material third dimension and exercise creative powers.... "The Holy Spirit said, 'My son, man still does not realize the spiritual power that I have given him.'" "Yes, I said, realizing what God was referring to.... False prophets had power in the realm of the spirit because they had come to realize their potential."

Paul Yonggi (David) Cho (The Fourth Dimension, Volume Two, p. 38)

"God spoke to my heart, "Son... the fourth dimension includes and controls the third dimension, producing a creation of order and beauty. The spirit is the fourth dimension." "Every human being is a spiritual being.... They have the fourth dimension as well as the third dimension in their hearts." "In Genesis the Spirit of the Lord was incubating, brooding over the water; He was like a hen sitting on her eggs, incubating them and hatching chickens. In much the same manner the Holy Spirit incubates the third dimension, so does the evil spirit incubate...." "You may wonder how we can incubate our subconsious... the only way for us to incubate is through our imaginations.... Through visualizing and dreaming you can incubate your future and hatch results...." "So men [Christians or occultists], by exploring their spiritual sphere of the fourth dimension through the development of concentrated visions and dreams in their imagination, can brood over and incubate the third dimension, influencing and changing it." "This is what the Holy Spirit taught me."

Paul Yonggi (David) Cho (The Fourth Dimension, p. 39-44)

Cho's concept of fourth-dimensional thinking is nothing short of occultism. In his best-selling book "The Fourth Dimension", Cho unveils his departure from historic Christian theology and his entry into the world of the occult. Cho lists four steps in his incubation formula:
1) Visualize a clear-cut goal or idea in your mind;
2) have a burning desire for your objective;
3) pray until you get the guarantee or assurance from God that what you desire is already yours;
4) speak or confess the end result into existence.

Paul Yonggi (David) Cho (Hank Hanegraaff, Christianity in Crisis, 1993 citing Paul Yonggi Cho, The Fourth Dimension, Volume One (So. Plainfield, NJ: Bridge Publishing, 1979), 9-35; vol. 2, 18-33 )

Words are spiritual containers

"By the spoken word we create our universe of circumstances...."

Paul Yonggi (David) Cho (Solving Life's Problems, p. 51)

Visual empowerment

"We've got to learn how... to visualize and dream the answer as being completed as we go to the Lord in prayer. We should always try to visualize the end result as we pray." "In that way, with the power of the Holy Spirit, we can incubate that which we want God to do for us...." "God used this process of visualizing the situation to help Abraham.... By that visualization through the associated thought Abraham... could incubate his [future] children and dispel the doubts from his heart.... The main thing is that we should know the importance of visualization."

Paul Yonggi (David) Cho (The Fourth Dimension, Volume Two, pp.26-27)

"We should always try to visualize the end result as we pray.... If you have not visualized clearly in your heart exactly what you hope for, it cannot become a reality to you...." "We have taught our people how to... visualize success.... Through visualizing and dreaming, you can incubate your future and hatch the results."

Paul Yonggi (David) Cho (The Fourth Dimension, Volume Two, pp. 25-28, 68, The Fourth Dimension, p. 44)

"Through visualization and dreaming you can incubate your future and hatch the results."

Paul Yonggi (David) Cho (The Fourth Dimension, p. 44)

"I imagine that Abraham... when he looked up at the stars, all he could see were the faces of his children, and suddenly he felt that he was hearing them call to him, 'Father Abraham!'" "...He could not sleep when he closed his eyes, for he saw all the stars changing into the faces of his descendants.... Those pictures came to his mind again and again... [and] became part of his fourth dimension...." "These visions and dreams carried dominion over his one- hundred-year-old body, and it was transformed as if it were like a young body."

Paul Yonggi (David) Cho (The Fourth Dimension, p. 48)